Through our large tree moving and planting division, we can plant and transplant trees with a trunk diameter as small as 2″ or up to 60″ and more.
Our specialized service and equipment set us apart as we can successfully transplant trees and provide the necessary care for the specimen before and after, all with a survival rate that is unmatched. Our arborists can help determine what tree species will best compliment your property and withstand the stress of your local environment.
It is important to select species that will mature within the space provided, always considering available root space. Be aware of overhead utilities that would require drastic pruning of the plant to maintain proper clearance.
Bob’s arborists are knowledgeable of local growing conditions and plants that perform well in specific regions of the state, to help with your decision making. We can provide the tree or plant of your choice from our Arboretum located in Church Point, La.
You can visit by appointment, select trees or ornamentals and have them delivered and installed by our team of experts.
Winter Months
1. Water twice (2) per week during winter months.
A. Trees of 2-4 inch caliper – water twice weekly for 3 to 4 months, and then weekly until established.
B. Trees greater than 4-inch caliper, water twice weekly for 4 to 5 months, and then weekly until established.
2. Apply 5 gallons of water per inch caliper directly to the root ball. Example: 2” caliper tree should receive 10 gallons of water twice per week.
3. Do Not water if the root ball is wet or saturated on irrigation day.
4. Establishment takes 4 months per inch trunk caliper. Example: 2” caliper tree takes 8 months to establish.
Summer Months
2. Apply 5 gallons of water per inch caliper directly to the root ball. Example: 2” caliper tree receive 10 gallons of water at each watering.
3. Do Not water if the root ball is wet or saturated on irrigation day.
4. Establishment takes 4 months per inch trunk caliper. Example 2″ caliper tree takes 8 months to establish.
*Do not rely on irrigation to properly meet the amount of water required to treat your trees.