We can test the soil around your trees to see what nutrients it may be lacking. On new construction sites, or where the soil had been disrupted in some way, the nutrients soil contains may vary.
Soil testing can give you a quick (7-10 days) and accurate answer to what the nutrient status is of your particular soil. We are able to interpret the result and give you a recommendation as to what your soil needs and, more importantly, how much it needs. There is no reason to waste money on over fertilizing your trees and shrubs. (Excess fertilizer is just another pollutant in our waterways.)
The process for soil testing is simple and, for a small fee, Bob’s Tree Preservation can come and sample your soil and give you a report as to what your soil does or doesn’t need. Soil testing can also consist of digging a series of holes to see how well roots are dispersed. In very hard, compacted soils and in heavy clay, root activity is sometimes low. We can neatly dig a series of holes to determine root activity. There are methods of improving the soil and treating the roots to encourage new growth if activity is found to be low.